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Daffodil Day 2024

Daffodil Day 2024

At Elders Real Estate Katherine, community spirit and support for vital causes have always been at the heart of what we do. This year, we were once again honoured to participate in Daffodil Day to raise funds for the Cancer Council NT, an organisation dedicated to supporting those affected by cancer and funding vital research to help find a cure.

A Day of Hope and Support

On Daffodil Day, our team set up at Katherine Central, the main shopping center, ready with buckets full of bright, beautiful daffodils. The sight of these flowers drew in many friendly faces from our local community, each one eager to show their support for a cause that touches so many lives.

We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your incredible generosity, we raised a remarkable $1,100! Every dollar raised will directly benefit the Cancer Council NT, providing much-needed funds for research, prevention programs, and support services for cancer patients and their families.

Thank You, Katherine!

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who came out to support us. Your contributions, big or small, make a significant impact in the fight against cancer. It’s moments like these that remind us of the strength and compassion within our Katherine community.

Why Daffodil Day Matters

Daffodil Day is more than just a fundraiser; it’s a day of hope. The daffodil, a symbol of new life and renewal, represents the hope we all have for a cancer-free future. Every flower purchased and every dollar donated brings us closer to this goal.

Looking Ahead

We are already looking forward to next year’s Daffodil Day and continuing our long-standing support of the Cancer Council. We hope to see even more of you there next time, helping us make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

Once again, thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s success. Together, we can continue to support the Cancer Council NT in their mission and bring hope and brighter futures to those who need it most.

Until next year, let’s keep the spirit of Daffodil Day alive, spreading hope, love, and support throughout our beautiful community.

Get in touch today


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