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Elders Katherine goes blue for Do It for Dolly Day

Elders Katherine goes blue for Do It for Dolly Day

Each year, Elders Real Estate Katherine proudly turns blue on the 14th May, for Do It For Dolly Day.

Dolly’s Dream was created by Tick and Kate Everett following the loss of their 14-year-old daughter, Dolly, to suicide, after ongoing bullying. Tick and Kate’s goal is to prevent other families walking this road. Their goal is to change cultures and behaviours to prevent bullying, by increasing understanding of the impact of bullying, anxiety, depression, and youth suicide and by providing support to parents.


Morning Tea & Brownie Bake Off

This year, we proudly hosted a Morning Tea and a Brownie Bake Off at our Katherine offices. Thank you to everyone who supported us, and of course our entrants for getting involved! Check out the results below.

  • Town and Country Butchers – for their donation of a meat tray in the raffle
  • Lana Read – for judging the brownie bake off as well as donating bunches of flowers
  • Jo Hersey – for judging the brownie bake off
  • Tim Hosking and the REA Group – for judging the brownie bake off and sponsoring prizes
  • Kate Everett – for all her help and support
  • And a massive thanks to everyone who came down Friday morning and supported the morning tea!


Brownie Bake Off Results

Under 14 ContestantsUnder 14 Winners
Adele Kirby1st - Dominic Kirby
3/4 Mack McFarlane SchoolTie 2nd - George and Willard McGregor-Shaw
George & Willard McGregor-ShawTie 2nd - Adele Kirby
Hayden Kirby3rd - Mia Stimson
Dominic Kirby
Mia Stimson
Asha Schmit
Georgia Dennis
Kiannah Bryant


Over 14 ContestantsOver 14 Winners
Kate Everett1st - Mary-Lou McGregor-Shaw
KFLEC2nd - Mette Stimson
Mary-Lou McGregor-Shaw3rd - Selena Madsen
Mette Stimson
Lucy Daley
Selena Madsen


Company ContestantsCompany Winners
Laser Clinic Katherine1st - Golden Grain
Advance Plumbing2nd - Manbulloo Mangoes
Golden GrainTie 3rd - Advance Plumbing
Manbulloo MangoesTie 3rd - Laser Clinic Katherine


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